Saturday, August 1, 2009


Sophie sat on her bed reading a journal entry from two years ago. She though of how everything was so perfect until this day:

Dear Diary,

My brother Matthew turned five today. I love him so much. He does get on my nerves occasionally, but that doesn't change how much I love him. My dad is leaving for work in a month; since he told us that, my mom has been getting drunk and screams at him about it. It terrifies Matthew because he has no clue what's going on. My mom hasn't really talked to me for quite sometime. She clings to Matthew, and if I say something wrong, she just slaps me.I think it's the alcohol...I think she's mad at me because I had a fight with Elezabeth- my EX-best friend. My mom loves her, I don't really know why though. The only thing Elezabeth cares about is her popularity. Which I hate because when you are popular people are only friends with you for the material things. They won't be true friends that last a lifetime...Back to my mom; I thought my mom's sudden hate in me was because of Elezabeth, but my dad says that's not it. He says Mommy is taking her anger out on his favorite little girl. I hate this.

As Sophie read, she realized that that was the beginning of the worst. Her eyes began to water; her father was still gone and her mom punished her for everything. Sophie was tired of it, but before her thoughts could carry her further into madness, her brother called for her.
"Sophie! Come play hide-and-seek with me outside!"
"Alright Matthew! Give me a minute." Sophie closed her old journal while the last tear fell from her cheek, and put it under her bed-the secret spot. Sophie ran downstairs and joined Matthew under the warmth of the sun on an autumn day.

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